sudo apt-get install libwebp-dev
sudo yum install libwebp-devel
- 編寫一個簡單的C程序來解碼WebP圖片。以下是一個示例程序:
#<span>include <stdio.h></span> #<span>include <stdlib.h></span> #<span>include <webp/decode.h></span> int main(<span>int argc, char *argv[])</span> { if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s <input_file> <output_file> ", argv[0]); return 1; } const char *input_file = argv[1]; const char *output_file = argv[2]; FILE *infile = fopen(input_file, "rb"); if (!infile) { perror("Error opening input file"); return 1; } size_t width, height; uint8_t *image_data = fread(infile, 1, 1024, infile); if (!image_data) { perror("Error reading input file"); fclose(infile); return 1; } WebPDecoderConfig config; WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config); config.output_format = WEBP_FORMAT_RGBA; config.output_size = width * height * 4; int decode_status = WebPDecodeRGBA(image_data, image_data + fread(infile, 1, 1024, infile), &width, &height, &config); if (decode_status != VP8_DECODE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding WebP file "); free(image_data); fclose(infile); return 1; } infile = fopen(output_file, "wb"); if (!infile) { perror("Error opening output file"); free(image_data); return 1; } fwrite(image_data, 1, width * height * 4, infile); fclose(infile); free(image_data); printf("WebP file decoded successfully and saved to %s ", output_file); return 0; }
- 使用gcc編譯器編譯上述程序。確保鏈接到libwebp庫:
gcc -o webp_decoder webp_decoder.c -lwebp
- 運行編譯后的程序,傳入WebP文件的路徑以及輸出PNG文件的路徑:
./webp_decoder input.webp output.png